
Lavabo de hormigón con forma de caracol

El cuarto de baño es, sin dudas, uno de los espacios más importantes de nuestro hogar. Decorarlo no es sencillo, ya que se debe mantener la funcionalidad sin resignar diseño, y viceversa. No obstante, las opciones que nos presenta el mercado de la decoración para equipar y dar mucho diseño a nuestro cuarto de baño nos ayudan mucho.
En el caso de los lavabos - que es lo que nos incumbe en esta oportunidad – las opciones son muchas y de diversas índoles. Tenemos lavabos de vidrio, de piedra, más pequeños o más grandes. Cada lavabo tendrá un estilo distinto y aportará lo suyo al cuarto de baño. Lo importante es saber elegir lo que mejor se adapte a nuestros gustos, presupuestos y necesidades.

Este lavabo de hormigón de la firma HighTech combina diseño y originalidad. El material con el que está fabricado nos asegura una larga durabilidad, ya que se trata de un material noble y resistente. Además, su forma de caracol aportará mucho diseño y ese toque de originalidad que siempre buscamos para distinguir nuestros ambientes de los demás.

Desde luego, este lavabo de hormigón aprovecha su forma espiralada para permitir el correcto desagote el agua, pero además nos brindará un espectáculo para la vista cada vez que lo utilicemos.

Más información en OpenDeco.
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¿Contamos ovejitas?

Estos vinilos infantiles con forma de simpáticas ovejitas para contar y dormir placidamente me han conquistado ¿y a ti?. Puedes elegir el color que mas se adapte a la habitación de los niños y el set tiene un precio de £19.00.

Más Información: Hu2 Design
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Ambientes que inspiran: Seleccion marie claire

La revista online Marie Claire maison publicó recientemente un artículo sobre habitaciones infantiles con encanto. Realizaron una selección de dormitorios bonitos para niños y con buenas ideas puestas en escena. Una recopilación de habitaciones reales, diferentes, desenfadadas y con un toque chic. ¿cúal te gusta más?

Si quieres ver más pincha aquí (y si tienes descargada en tu navegador la barra google puedes traducir gratis al momento las páginas webs)
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Este precioso foto mural o gigantografía, le da vida a este comedor blanco, es el centro de atención. El muro de la imágen separa la sala del comedor sutilmente y se ve decorado por tonos blancos y azules.
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Unos bellos y amplios muebles para esta sala azul, que permiten que no solo sean sofas sino tambien camas para cuando se quede alguien a dormir luego de algun compromiso o fiesta que tengamos en casa.
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Tourist Time

Right about now, Stefan and I are probably in full tourist mode which will include a quick walk through of the Louvre. I know that's not exactly possible but we're going to give it our best shot! And while doing so, I'll sure we'll look just like the tourists in this Thomas Struth photo, albeit better dressed, of course!
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Quilt Ikea

Después de una intensa semana , cortando , cosiendo y acolchando, he acabado este quilt del que apenas me ha dado tiempo a hablaros. Hoy justamente celebramos el cumple de uno de mis hermanos y este es su regalo ........ Con la vuelta al trabajo , mi tiempo ya se ha reducido considerablemente pero he conseguido llegar a tiempo.
No será el único porque espero , si Dios quiere , hacer uno para cada miembro de mi familia.

La cosa empezó la semana pasada . Hacía tiempo que llevaba dándole vueltas a la cabeza en hacer algo con las telas  de IKEA( 100% algodón, 1.5 m de ancho y bien ajustadas de precio ) ...... ¿ Por qué no ? Las había visto en su web y había unas que me parecían alegres y no sé por qué " ecológicas " ( debe ser por el estampado  y el color verde).

El caso es hubo oportunidad de acercarse al centro comercial ( gracias Sonia ) y cortamos algunos metros , después de ver las posibilidades. Una va pensando que hay y luego no hay..... Para las que no lo sepáis aquí  es tipo autoservicio , tú te lo cortas  y tú lo embolsas.

Con estos estampados grandes sólo cabía hacer algo juvenil, rápido y  donde el dibujo  no se perdiera. Así que  confeccioné bloques alternando ese estampado y dejandolos a una medida de 8.5 " ( la regla cuadrada de esta medida  es un lujo que disfruto  cada día más ..¡ gracias Nuria !  )

Y empezó el proceso de hacer los 25 bloques hasta componer el top cuadrado.

Dejé el estampado que más me gustaba para la trasera, así podía ser reversible también.
Su medida : 145cm x 145cm 

Hice un acolchado libre.........

Quilt Ikea

Y en las cuatro esquinas un bordado de unas hojitas . Ya os contaré sobre este tema del bordado...

Aún  me ha quedado tela...  ya veremos cómo acaba.

Estoy satisfecha de este primer intento . Creo que la calidad de este tipo de  telas  son aceptables y me invitan a probar con la próxima colección que saquen..... supongo que no muy tarde porque por el mes de octubre solemos recibir  el catálogo en casa. La verdad es que hay colecciones de telas de reconocidas marcas de  patch que son  maravillosas.... ojalá  pudiera una cerrar los ojos , pedir un deseo y que apareciese la colección fulana o mengana ...... pero  no siempre  el bolsillo está para esos gastos, ¿ verdad ?

Hoy parece que ha refrescado un poco.... y me cuesta dejar que el verano se acabe..... pero siempre llegan nuevos proyectos  ..... uno del que especialmente  no os he hablado  tampoco y que está siendo un reto . Ya sabéis lo que esas cosas me gustan.
Feliz fin de semana.

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The Swiss Chalets of Ballenberg

One of the highlights of our trip to Switzerland was the day we spent at the Ballenberg Museum. This Open Air museum is situated on over 160 acres, in the Haslital Brienz-Meiringen-Hasliberg region and nestled in a valley surrounded by mountains.

Over 100 buildings are separated into 13 building groups representing the various regions of Switzerland. The different construction techniques of the farmhouses, barns, cheese making and storage sheds, outbuilding, and even operating mills are represented for each region. The buildings, some as old as the 1500's, reflect the daily lives of both the wealthy and poorer day laborers of the periods. These buildings have been moved to the museum and preserved in natural settings that gives you the feeling of actually being able to step back into that time.

Museum workers also dress in period clothes, perform the daily chores of the farmers, craftsmen, and artisans of their respective era. We saw cooking over an open fire, lace making, and workers tending to the many farm animals and gardens on the property. The Apothecary above was a beautiful building surrounded by an amazing herbal garden.
Inside were rooms filled with herb and areas where medicines would have been prepared.
One of several thatched roof houses.
I was impressed with the iron detailing on this door. What incredible craftsmanship.
A poorer laborer's home with grain storage under the living area.
A wealthy land owner's home - notice the carved wood detailing on this building.
The inside of this home - the lovely furniture suggests that this family was very well off.
The diversity of the architecture was amazing. Another area of Ballenberg that had a Hansel and Gretel feeling.
Here is a close up of the window boxes and the fruit trees.

The interior with traditional furnishings - Notice the corner cupboard shelf. Charming!

Yet another area of Ballenberg - the building detail and the window boxes were beautiful. My children especially loved this house. It had many floors and an attic bunk-room. A traditional built in bed. Though hard to see, this one was built in a small alcove by the stove to keep the family warm during the winter months. This building was extraordinary. The detailed carving all over this structure made this a unique architecural treasure. How lucky this is preserved this for all to see.
To be honest, I was a bit nervous that my children and husband would be bored and begging to leave. Just the opposite happened - it was my feet that wore out as they excitedly explored each and every building.

Ballenberg Museum is a place to visit if you are ever in that area; an incredible Swiss treasure and a wonderful day for us!! For more information check out their website.

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A Good Weekend To Read and Celebrate Hard Working Women:




What a weekend this will be!  Amazon has been wonderful to me today!  I received two new, long awaited books delivered to my front door – no hassles, no bothers, no long lines, no gas guzzling, no red lights.   Ah, the beauty of Amazon, my most faithful love.  These days I order almost everything from Amazon, not just books.   I have ordered light bulbs, shoes, a microphone (for the Skirted Roundtable) and even a new laptop!  And if you just  happen to need one – you can order a chandelier from Amazon.   I’m not aware of anything you can’t buy from this fantastic company.   Alas, they make it too easy to spend money.  They keep your credit card on file and you just have to hit –SEND – and it’s delivered, usually the next day.  Amazing.  Just amazing.   I had preordered these two books and had no idea when they would be released,  so it was a complete and delightful surprise that they arrived just in time for this long weekend.    And, at first glance, they are both winners.    The first book is Rachel Ashwell’s – the Queen of slipcovers, pink, turquoise, and crystal –  her newest effort is Shabby Chic Interiors HERE.  The cover is so beautiful,   I could stare at it all day – the pink, the gilt, the settee, the crystal, the peonies.  And  there is Rachel, as always, looking ravishing in her favorite low waisted jeans.   Oh, Rachel, it makes me sad to think about your current financial woes!   How disappointing it all must be for you!   Hopefully, this book will be a new start for her company, certainly she has no place to go but up at this point, it’s all such an awful shame.   The book certainly looks promising – perhaps her best effort since this one:   




The Shabby Chic Home (HERE) is almost ten years old now (!) and it remains a favorite of mine.  I love books that tell the story of one house – from its run down, unattractive beginnings to its perfectly furnished and remodeled finish.   Both this book and the new one are certainly my kind of design books.    If you have never read The Shabby Chic Home, it makes a perfect companion to Rachel’s newest book, which is very similar:  the story of her latest house – room by room, just like her fans like.  The pictures in Shabby Chic Interiors - by Ashwell’s favorite photographer Amy Neunsinger - are gorgeous and worth the price alone. 




I don’t want to ruin it for you, so I’ll just show you a few vignette pictures from Rachel’s newest book Shabby Chic Interiors.   Here, the kitchen with its charming wall mounted faucet – I love this!   Only Rachel can make washing dishes look romantic.



image Pink, green, and blue- Rachel’s palette. 



imageHer bedroom is my favorite room in the new house, the curtains are a luscious silk taffeta in a very, very pale amethyst.  




White marble and English styled faucet.  Notice the old fashioned drain stopper - so Rachel.



imageRachel has a wood cart just like the one in my office!  She calls hers a shoe cart, I call mine a wine bottle cart.  Who’s right I wonder? 





The other book Mr. Amazon Man delivered today was Kathryn Ireland’s second, Creating a Home (HERE.)    I wrote about this book a few months ago HERE when it was available for preorder only.   But, it’s out now and it looks beautiful!   The photography is bright and bold – all of her newest fabrics look tempting.   It’s a book for me, that’s for sure – the story of a dilapidated old ranch in Ojai California that Ireland takes under her wing and transforms into a fantasy country estate – although, in the end -  she couldn’t afford its rehab and had to sell.   My favorite series of pictures are of Ireland, dressed in a ball gown, posed around the swimming pool with her three teenaged sons.   Her middle son decides he is through with the photo shoot and the look on her face as she bribes him, scolds him, pleads with him is priceless!    What those pictures say about the manipulation of the family members during those “fun” totally uncandid photographs speaks volumes.   It made me think of all  that Martha Stewart’s daughter must have had to endure as a child – after all, Martha’s husband bolted from that media storm as soon as he could. 




Some of the pictures have been seen before in a few magazines, but the majority are new.   I can’t imagine how hard it must have been for Ireland to sell something she had poured her heart and soul into.  She writes that she bought the ranch thinking she and her boys would live there fulltime – the only way she could truly afford it.   Her boys resisted – they had no wish to move from Santa Monica - dashing all of Ireland’s hopes and dreams. 




The master bedroom suite, separated from the main house.  I love how the three flooring surfaces come together here: tile, wood, and seagrass.


Both Ashwell’s and Ireland’s books are remarkable for this:  they tell the story of two highly independent women, both from England, who came to America on a lark and penniless.   But, through hard work and gritty determination, they both reinvented themselves and became international successes.    Ireland and Ashwell share so much biographic history – it truly is uncanny.   And what better weekend than Labor Day to celebrate what hard work and toil can bring to you – regardless of where you are from, and how little you have to start with.    And though Ashwell is currently suffering through this  economic downturn, I have no doubt that she will rise again, like a Phoenix.   Hopefully, just like Ani DiFranco, another true American success story, says here:


Thirty-Two Flavors:

And god help you if you are an ugly girl
'Course too pretty is also your doom
Cuz everyone harbors a secret hatred
For the prettiest girl in the room
And god help you if you are a phoenix
And you dare to rise up from the ash
A thousand eyes will smolder with jealousy
While you are just flying past


From our house to yours - I hope you all have a safe and healthy Labor Day Weekend.

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A Good Weekend To Read and Celebrate Hard Working Women:




What a weekend this will be!  Amazon has been wonderful to me today!  I received two new, long awaited books delivered to my front door – no hassles, no bothers, no long lines, no gas guzzling, no red lights.   Ah, the beauty of Amazon, my most faithful love.  These days I order almost everything from Amazon, not just books.   I have ordered light bulbs, shoes, a microphone (for the Skirted Roundtable) and even a new laptop!  And if you just  happen to need one – you can order a chandelier from Amazon.   I’m not aware of anything you can’t buy from this fantastic company.   Alas, they make it too easy to spend money.  They keep your credit card on file and you just have to hit –SEND – and it’s delivered, usually the next day.  Amazing.  Just amazing.   I had preordered these two books and had no idea when they would be released,  so it was a complete and delightful surprise that they arrived just in time for this long weekend.    And, at first glance, they are both winners.    The first book is Rachel Ashwell’s – the Queen of slipcovers, pink, turquoise, and crystal –  her newest effort is Shabby Chic Interiors HERE.  The cover is so beautiful,   I could stare at it all day – the pink, the gilt, the settee, the crystal, the peonies.  And  there is Rachel, as always, looking ravishing in her favorite low waisted jeans.   Oh, Rachel, it makes me sad to think about your current financial woes!   How disappointing it all must be for you!   Hopefully, this book will be a new start for her company, certainly she has no place to go but up at this point, it’s all such an awful shame.   The book certainly looks promising – perhaps her best effort since this one:   




The Shabby Chic Home (HERE) is almost ten years old now (!) and it remains a favorite of mine.  I love books that tell the story of one house – from its run down, unattractive beginnings to its perfectly furnished and remodeled finish.   Both this book and the new one are certainly my kind of design books.    If you have never read The Shabby Chic Home, it makes a perfect companion to Rachel’s newest book, which is very similar:  the story of her latest house – room by room, just like her fans like.  The pictures in Shabby Chic Interiors - by Ashwell’s favorite photographer Amy Neunsinger - are gorgeous and worth the price alone. 




I don’t want to ruin it for you, so I’ll just show you a few vignette pictures from Rachel’s newest book Shabby Chic Interiors.   Here, the kitchen with its charming wall mounted faucet – I love this!   Only Rachel can make washing dishes look romantic.



image Pink, green, and blue- Rachel’s palette. 



imageHer bedroom is my favorite room in the new house, the curtains are a luscious silk taffeta in a very, very pale amethyst.  




White marble and English styled faucet.  Notice the old fashioned drain stopper - so Rachel.



imageRachel has a wood cart just like the one in my office!  She calls hers a shoe cart, I call mine a wine bottle cart.  Who’s right I wonder? 





The other book Mr. Amazon Man delivered today was Kathryn Ireland’s second, Creating a Home (HERE.)    I wrote about this book a few months ago HERE when it was available for preorder only.   But, it’s out now and it looks beautiful!   The photography is bright and bold – all of her newest fabrics look tempting.   It’s a book for me, that’s for sure – the story of a dilapidated old ranch in Ojai California that Ireland takes under her wing and transforms into a fantasy country estate – although, in the end -  she couldn’t afford its rehab and had to sell.   My favorite series of pictures are of Ireland, dressed in a ball gown, posed around the swimming pool with her three teenaged sons.   Her middle son decides he is through with the photo shoot and the look on her face as she bribes him, scolds him, pleads with him is priceless!    What those pictures say about the manipulation of the family members during those “fun” totally uncandid photographs speaks volumes.   It made me think of all  that Martha Stewart’s daughter must have had to endure as a child – after all, Martha’s husband bolted from that media storm as soon as he could. 




Some of the pictures have been seen before in a few magazines, but the majority are new.   I can’t imagine how hard it must have been for Ireland to sell something she had poured her heart and soul into.  She writes that she bought the ranch thinking she and her boys would live there fulltime – the only way she could truly afford it.   Her boys resisted – they had no wish to move from Santa Monica - dashing all of Ireland’s hopes and dreams. 




The master bedroom suite, separated from the main house.  I love how the three flooring surfaces come together here: tile, wood, and seagrass.


Both Ashwell’s and Ireland’s books are remarkable for this:  they tell the story of two highly independent women, both from England, who came to America on a lark and penniless.   But, through hard work and gritty determination, they both reinvented themselves and became international successes.    Ireland and Ashwell share so much biographic history – it truly is uncanny.   And what better weekend than Labor Day to celebrate what hard work and toil can bring to you – regardless of where you are from, and how little you have to start with.    And though Ashwell is currently suffering through this  economic downturn, I have no doubt that she will rise again, like a Phoenix.   Hopefully, just like Ani DiFranco, another true American success story, says here:


Thirty-Two Flavors:

And god help you if you are an ugly girl
'Course too pretty is also your doom
Cuz everyone harbors a secret hatred
For the prettiest girl in the room
And god help you if you are a phoenix
And you dare to rise up from the ash
A thousand eyes will smolder with jealousy
While you are just flying past


From our house to yours - I hope you all have a safe and healthy Labor Day Weekend.

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