
¿ Que pasa ultimamente?

¿ Habrá algún virus circulando por la comunidad bloggeriana
de las costureras ?......
No sé qué pasa . Parece que el desánimo unas veces, o el malentendido en otras, causa estragos el blogs de buenas bloggeras.
Hoy quería hacer un parón en el camino que reccorren nuestras agujas para realizar un pequeño comentario , un pequeño pensamiento en voz alta. Es algo que me llama la atención.
Muchas de vosotras os habéis animado a crear vuestro propio espacio a partir de lo que veis en los demás blogs, o al menos así lo habéis comentado ( en algunos artículos del mío o en emails ) . Veo que mucha gente ha roto barreras y se ha lanzado a la piscina sin tener mucha idea de como editar sus artículos y demás. Con ayuda de aquí y allí vuestros retoños van haciéndose mayores. Tanto es así que ya no me da tiempo a leeros a todas.

Pero hete aquí , por lo que he comprobado , no sólo en blogs españoles sino franceses también , que mantener un ritmo regular de artículos durante un año, causa cansancio, desánimo, agobio y sentimientos similares. Por ejemplo , primero VeroM dejó de publicar durante una temporada por un comentario en su blog y finalmente decidió reabrirlo con otro nombre. También Nataliejo sufrió esa crisis derivada por la escasez de calidad en los comentarios ,según ella , y parece que poco a poco va a incorporarse de nuevo. Romy en Austria detuvo su blog porque estaba invadiendo parte de su vida familiar y después de un año , ha vuelto a compartir su afición.
..........Y es que precisamente , la calidad de sus trabajos y artículos ha hecho que tengan tantas seguidoras.

Ahora le llega el turno a las de aquí, y Ana, costureralocaexpresó cómo se sentía hace muy pocos días. Os recomiendo que leáis su artículo del 12 de junio al respecto. Muy interesante.
También Ana , de Valencia ha decidido " tirar la toalla" tal y como ella titula su último post. Ójala no sea así, ya nos habíamos acostumbrado a escucharla en sus videos.

Entiendo muchas de sus expresiones porque en alguna ocasión me he sentido así.
Algunos blogs se quedarán en el camino, otros madurarán y se consagrarán con el paso del tiempo. Quizá otros no lleguen a pasar esa " crisis de los cuarenta" que parece que aquí llega alrededor de un año de existencia...... Pero realmente me da mucha pena que se pierda esa generosidad y creatividad que se respiran en esos blogs.

Ante todo la decisión de sentirse bien publicando, la libertad de hacerlo cómo y cuándo quiera cada una , sin ofender a nadie. Y sobre todo , para mí , cumplir el objetivo por el que un día nació ese blog, bien como necesidad de expresión.... para dar rienda suelta a la imaginación....a las ganas de aprender y compartir gusto por enseñar o simplemente como motivación particular. Todas publicamos por algo. Cada una cubre alguna de sus necesidades haciéndolo. Pero creo que también hay que ser valiente y saber distinguir qué es lo verdaderamente importante y sólo así , sentirse feliz con la decisión tomada.
Espero que ninguna de las que he nombrado se haya sentido ofendida, creo que no he dicho nada que no hubiénsen manifestado públicamente. Si es así , pido mil disculpas.
Sólo me siento algo preocupada como parte de esta comunidad.
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The web site for the magazine Southern Accents is one of my favorite places to visit. It's an extensive site filled with pictures from their magazine plus other magazines owned by the house: Southern Living and Coastal Homes to name a few. Highlighted are separate sections on gardening, architecture, and decorating and masses of articles are reposted on all aspects of design and how to's.

One great feature of the web site can be found under the Decorating section - pages and pages of pictures organized by room. Even better, you can enlarge the pictures and save them to your own computer for easy access. Here are a few pictures from the site featuring some of my favorite designers: Charlestonian Amelia Handegan, New Orleanean Gerrie Brennerman, and Dallasite Cathy Kincaid.

The best part of this site, unlike some other magazine sites like Better Home and Gardens - it's totally free and no annoying pop ups. Compare the two sites and I think you'll agree with me that BHG has a lot to learn from Southern Accents.
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The web site for the magazine Southern Accents is one of my favorite places to visit. It's an extensive site filled with pictures from their magazine plus other magazines owned by the house: Southern Living and Coastal Homes to name a few. Highlighted are separate sections on gardening, architecture, and decorating and masses of articles are reposted on all aspects of design and how to's.

One great feature of the web site can be found under the Decorating section - pages and pages of pictures organized by room. Even better, you can enlarge the pictures and save them to your own computer for easy access. Here are a few pictures from the site featuring some of my favorite designers: Charlestonian Amelia Handegan, New Orleanean Gerrie Brennerman, and Dallasite Cathy Kincaid.

The best part of this site, unlike some other magazine sites like Better Home and Gardens - it's totally free and no annoying pop ups. Compare the two sites and I think you'll agree with me that BHG has a lot to learn from Southern Accents.
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New French Mouton Leg Couch

I've bought this couch! It will be coming home soon: the slip cover (white linen) needs to be made and the nailhead trim will be removed. I hate to do that but, it shows through the linen and I can't see the point of that. This couch was a special order, made in Houston and shipped out to LA. Upon arrival there, it wouldn't fit through the client's door, so they shipped it back to Houston's famous Hien Lam, upholsterer extraordinaire. At least this is the story she tells me. We've haggled over what kind of back cushions it should have - she wants to make three box shaped ones and I'm skeptical because of the gorgeous curved top. Today we decided on knife edge 26" cushions. As soon as the decision was made, I regretted it. What I don't understand is why is it so easy for me to make decisions for clients but for myself - forget it. Truthfully, the discussions over this couch have gone on for weeks and weeks. I'm trying to finalize this because I want it home with me! It's so comfortable and my current family room sofa is so uncomfortable.

Next, is what chairs? I really can't decide. I want French, of course, but upholstered? I want the comfort, but do I want the look? I'm going to search for French wood frame chairs on tonight, maybe I'll buy the chairs instead of making them. Or should I buy a frame from Savoia Chairs? This is a great company is you have a refinisher. M'aider !
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New French Mouton Leg Couch

I've bought this couch! It will be coming home soon: the slip cover (white linen) needs to be made and the nailhead trim will be removed. I hate to do that but, it shows through the linen and I can't see the point of that. This couch was a special order, made in Houston and shipped out to LA. Upon arrival there, it wouldn't fit through the client's door, so they shipped it back to Houston's famous Hien Lam, upholsterer extraordinaire. At least this is the story she tells me. We've haggled over what kind of back cushions it should have - she wants to make three box shaped ones and I'm skeptical because of the gorgeous curved top. Today we decided on knife edge 26" cushions. As soon as the decision was made, I regretted it. What I don't understand is why is it so easy for me to make decisions for clients but for myself - forget it. Truthfully, the discussions over this couch have gone on for weeks and weeks. I'm trying to finalize this because I want it home with me! It's so comfortable and my current family room sofa is so uncomfortable.

Next, is what chairs? I really can't decide. I want French, of course, but upholstered? I want the comfort, but do I want the look? I'm going to search for French wood frame chairs on tonight, maybe I'll buy the chairs instead of making them. Or should I buy a frame from Savoia Chairs? This is a great company is you have a refinisher. M'aider !
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French Library

I am working on a library, French style a la Texas Cote. My client and I had decided to either recover and restyle her old sofa or maybe go with a newer version of a traditional, cushy one. The two armchairs hopefully are to be French antique bergere's, if not, then English saddle arm ones. Everything will be covered in linen, linen colored with pastel pink and white pillows. The dark paneled walls are going to become very light and creamy colored with an undercoat of brown barely peeking through (maybe!).

The issue is tonight my client went 1st Dibs surfing and found this French settee. We both adore it, but decide her husband would veto it immediately with comfort concerns. He loves it. The settee is in France and is expensive. We can't test try out. Should we buy it? Would you? Or, would you buy this one from 1st Dibs, also from France?
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French Library

I am working on a library, French style a la Texas Cote. My client and I had decided to either recover and restyle her old sofa or maybe go with a newer version of a traditional, cushy one. The two armchairs hopefully are to be French antique bergere's, if not, then English saddle arm ones. Everything will be covered in linen, linen colored with pastel pink and white pillows. The dark paneled walls are going to become very light and creamy colored with an undercoat of brown barely peeking through (maybe!).

The issue is tonight my client went 1st Dibs surfing and found this French settee. We both adore it, but decide her husband would veto it immediately with comfort concerns. He loves it. The settee is in France and is expensive. We can't test try out. Should we buy it? Would you? Or, would you buy this one from 1st Dibs, also from France?
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Ya está enmarcado

Hace unos días que ya tengo en casa este Quaker enmarcado. Tuve duda con otro marco y éste que finalmente elegí. Era justo lo que estaba buscando , en madera y con algún ribete que le diera algo de luz. Tiene justo un tono azul en el borde interior , similar al azul del bordado y que le va genial. Lástima que no se aprecie en la foto.
Cuando un esquema se hace " popular " es fácil observar distintas posibilidades de enmarcación en otros blogs o albunes y así , después de echar un vistazo , decidir qué estilo te gusta más . Éste es el que yo quería.

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¿ Adivinas que sera ?

Te lo he puesto muy fácil. Hoy he hecho una prueba sujetando alfileres y definivamente está decidido. El bordado se ve claramente cuál es .... uno archiconocido.....

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Album de bebes

Otro album entregado. Esta vez de bebés para dos hermanos gemelos recién nacidos. Fue un encargo de una compañera de trabajo , y por la proxímidad de la fecha de nacimiento , debía terminarlo pronto. Asi que tuve que terminarlo en dos o tres tardes.
Coincidía que tenía a juego varias cosas de la colección Daisy D´s y fue una ocasión estupenda para utilizarlas.

+Papeles , tags y pegatinas de DaisyD´s
+Flores Prima
+Encuadernadores mini y grandes con forma de corazón.
+Clear Stamps Autumn Leaves
+Foam Stamps Making Memories. Spring
+Pintura acrílica azul celeste
+Papel cebolla color azul celeste
+Thick Embossing color Clear
+Tag de Artoz
+Rotulador blanco de 0.7
+Tinta Cat´s Eye

Album de bebes

Album de bebes posterior

Detrás de la tarjeta , en la portada, estampé el día de su nacimiento y lo decoré con clear stamps, tinta y embossing . Este tag queda movible para darle la vuelta y sujeto gracias a la cinta que queda por encima.
Sus nombres aparecen en delante y las iniciales detrás.
Sobre la pintura estampada he dibujado parte del contorno con rotulador de punta fina , para dar algo de luz.
Detro coloqué primero una hoja semi transparente , se distingue algo en el pase de diapositivas porque la tengo sujeta con el dedo .Luego estampé todas las caras pares con dibujos diferentes. No hay ninguna de las veinte hojas, igual.

Realmente me gusta como ha quedado terminado para ser el primero de bebés que hago y mi compañera muy satisfecha con su encargo. Ahora a esperar que le guste a la futura mamá.
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For the Birds

At Indulge, in Houston, I bought these beautiful faux bois candlesticks featuring birds perched on the limbs. I lusted for them for a few months and finally couldn't resist any longer. They're at home on my dining table now, for a while at least. Have you noticed the trend this year is birds? They are everywhere: on designer file folders, on fabrics, on notecards, on prints with cheesy frames. It reminds me of coral. Yes, they've exploited coral to death. And I hate that because I do love it so. As you can see:

The funniest and truest article ever written about the over use of le trendy coral is by David Feld, a columnist for D Home Magazine (Dallas, Texas). Here's a small taste to whet your appetite:

Enough Already
Coral is a prime example of when decorating trends go bad.

In one form or another, real or fake, coral is replicating itself in every house in America. There's the real stuff, which has ossified in its naturally beautiful state of white, pink, or blackish red. Then there are the plaster fakes, which have been turned into sconces, and the cast-bronze copies, which have transmogrified into vases. The Alberto Pinto-designed china we see everywhere was interesting for about three minutes. There's not a textile house in the country that isn't producing a coral wallpaper print (why stop at red when 22 designer colors will do?), even Pottery Barn's coral sequin-embroidered pillows are flying out of the pages of its everyman catalogs.
Read the rest of the article here.

So, birds, fly around really fast. Your death knell is ringing already. Such a shame!
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My Designs: French Lamp Shades

If you look closely at this lampshade you might make out that printed on it is an antique map of Paris. Antique maps are the rage these days, along with coral and shells and birds and foo dogs. Most of the available maps are not antique, but are copies of antique maps, especially ones of Paris and Rome. These maps are showing up everywhere these days, even on wrapping paper.
My Paris lampshades came from Watkins Culver, an antique shop in Houston on Bissonnet specializing in French and Italian pieces. Babs Watkins is the owner and she is one of Houston's premier interior designers whose work is featured in Veranda and Southern Accents. She sells these lampshades in several different sizes. I've been unable to resist a few. Here is a smaller version of the table lampshade size. N'est-il pas beau ?
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For the Birds

At Indulge, in Houston, I bought these beautiful faux bois candlesticks featuring birds perched on the limbs. I lusted for them for a few months and finally couldn't resist any longer. They're at home on my dining table now, for a while at least. Have you noticed the trend this year is birds? They are everywhere: on designer file folders, on fabrics, on notecards, on prints with cheesy frames. It reminds me of coral. Yes, they've exploited coral to death. And I hate that because I do love it so. As you can see:

The funniest and truest article ever written about the over use of le trendy coral is by David Feld, a columnist for D Home Magazine (Dallas, Texas). Here's a small taste to whet your appetite:

Enough Already
Coral is a prime example of when decorating trends go bad.

In one form or another, real or fake, coral is replicating itself in every house in America. There's the real stuff, which has ossified in its naturally beautiful state of white, pink, or blackish red. Then there are the plaster fakes, which have been turned into sconces, and the cast-bronze copies, which have transmogrified into vases. The Alberto Pinto-designed china we see everywhere was interesting for about three minutes. There's not a textile house in the country that isn't producing a coral wallpaper print (why stop at red when 22 designer colors will do?), even Pottery Barn's coral sequin-embroidered pillows are flying out of the pages of its everyman catalogs.
Read the rest of the article here.

So, birds, fly around really fast. Your death knell is ringing already. Such a shame!
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My Designs: French Lamp Shades

If you look closely at this lampshade you might make out that printed on it is an antique map of Paris. Antique maps are the rage these days, along with coral and shells and birds and foo dogs. Most of the available maps are not antique, but are copies of antique maps, especially ones of Paris and Rome. These maps are showing up everywhere these days, even on wrapping paper.
My Paris lampshades came from Watkins Culver, an antique shop in Houston on Bissonnet specializing in French and Italian pieces. Babs Watkins is the owner and she is one of Houston's premier interior designers whose work is featured in Veranda and Southern Accents. She sells these lampshades in several different sizes. I've been unable to resist a few. Here is a smaller version of the table lampshade size. N'est-il pas beau ?
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El regalo de Cristina

Esta semana pasada llegó el regalo deCristina por mi cumple en abril. Tuve que contenerme para no dar un ¡ Increible! bien alto ,porque abrí el paquete mientras esperaba en la colsulta del médico.¿ Cómo iba a esperar a llegar a casa ?
Admiré y admiré una vez más el bordado que ella había hecho , tan perfecto, tan precioso, tan.... de revista .
Y es que justo , en uno de mis artículos de abril, hablaba de esta maravilla , que ella ya había empezado a bordar hacía algún tiempo y que había salido en la edición de primavera de la estupenda revista dedicada al estudio de samplers " SANQ".

Bordado con hilos de seda de VC sobre un lino de 36ct nada menos. Si es que no me canso de mirarlo. Fijaros en lo bonito que queda la pasamanería , tan similar al original, y cuidado que puso en la terminación de las esquinas , que tanto cuida Cristina.....Y es que el montaje se las trae.

Aquí podeis admirar su bordado y los colores que ha utilizado.

Lo he colocado en la cómoda de mi habitación. La verdad es que no puedo evitar que se me vayan los ojos toda las mañanas y exclamar en silencio ¡ qué bonito! Realmente has dado en el clavo, chiquilla.

Cristina también añadió esa mariposa para los hilos que hay sobre el marco bordado, y que es de nácar. También un esquema de Ellen Chester ( un día conseguiré tener la colección de sus esquemas ) , un libro sobre la Provenza, donde fuímos el verano pasado y donde volveremos seguramente en otra ocasión. Por último un fantástico marco que me está llamando con una inicial bordada, como ella me ha sugerido.

Pero a pesar de que todos estos regalos venían tan bien envueltos en su papel de seda , había otro que estaba al descubierto....... su cariño en todo lo que hace y su amistad al descubierto. Eso es lo más valoro.
¡Muchísimas gracias por tu tiempo, tus artes , y tu esmero !
Me encanta piropear y con más razón a quien se lo merece.
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If you are the copyright owner of any of these articles or image and don't want me to share them, please, write comments on pages and I will gladly remove them.