
Good Money for Nothing!


A story in a recent magazine really left me puzzled.   The last few months, I have become acutely aware of the lack of design magazines available.  We’ve all watched as one by one, titles have fallen victim to our economy – I don’t need to list them all here again, but a trip to the book stores really opens your eyes to what is left.   Not much.  We’ve lamented their loss together and expressed shock as one after another has folded.  The reality is now here.    Thank God for House Beautiful and Southern Accents, Metropolitan Home and Veranda,  Traditional Home and Elle Decor.   And……?     See what  I mean?     It’s slim pickings.    Which puts the spotlight on those remaining.    Magazines aren’t cheap, take a $10 bill to the counter and you might walk out with two – maybe.    The current mags should be fabulous now – they have their pick of houses to publish.   Scouts are telling me that they keep getting turned away with stories that normally would have been snapped up.  There’s a glut of houses deserving of publication – yet they’ve been rejected.    Which should mean that the ones that are published, are wonderful houses with interiors that could make a grown man weep from the beauty.   But still, it’s not quite happening.   Each issue arrives stuffed with mediocrity and junk.   Some make you laugh, others draw a wince.  

I don’t usually go “negative” here – but I am going to today.   So forgive me this rant.  I’ll be back to normal tomorrow – all chipper and happy.  For now, I’m confused.  Is it me?   Am I the only one who feels this way?   Do others see what I see?


The story that caused my head to shake shows a house in Los Angeles – the owner is the wife of a famous  rock star.  She also was the interior decorator,  one of her many talents the magazine informed us of.   Other prolific talents are photography and lyric writing for her husband’s songs.   Her ambitions for their house were certainly lofty.  The new construction abode was designed to look like an authentic Wallace Neff.  The pool house was inspired by a photograph from David Hicks’ book – My Kind of Garden.  The staircase was modeled after one found in Nancy Lancaster’s  Mirador,  Neff, Hicks, Lancaster – let’s drop some names.   This is going to be stunning, no?    Their master bedroom is quite lovely – that I will admit.   And their kitchen is very nice too.  When these pictures were first seen – bloggers went ga-ga over the house and I’ll admit at my first cursory glance I did too, even leaving comments saying “beautiful!”  I finally had some extra time to leisurely pour over this house and all I can wonder is “Am I crazy, here?  What am I missing?”

I try to never do this – never focus on the negative, and maybe I am wrong here.  Maybe this is wonderful and I should get my  hands slapped and  go re-enroll  in design school and hey, maybe even join ASID!   With so little competition out there, shouldn’t we be seeing the best that interior design has to offer?   Is this house all that?   Was there nothing else to show us last March?  



What drives me crazy about this room:  two coffee tables.  Why? Why?  And if you DID want two coffee tables – shouldn’t they relate either in size or style?   I understand eclectic – I get it.  I just do not get THIS.  If for some really good reason you needed two coffee tables side by side, shouldn’t at least ONE be attractive?  Finding attractive coffee tables is hard, I know that, I live that.   But to pick two of the ugliest coffee tables in the world, now that takes some work.  Actually, let me correct that, the shorter table was designed by the home owner – who has launched her own furniture line.  Yes, I did just say that.   But, two coffee table - am I wrong?   Am I missing something? 



There’s more.   The mantle is so high, I’m guessing it’s over 5 ft tall.  The mantel is a vertical element.  It’s tall, it’s narrow.    The designer then adds a long, skinny, goopy, fancy mirror, further extending the vertical line.   The mantel is crying out for something more horizontal – something wide to balance out the tall vertical element of the fireplace.   What is especially amusing is that the designer proclaims:   “I wanted everything to have a human scale.”   Human scale?  For whom – the Jolly Green Giant?   A simple, round convex mirror would have been nice.  A wide painting propped on the top would have been nice.   A line of short porcelains would have been nice.   My neck aches just looking up at that mirror.




And if the fancy Chippendale styled mirror and the two coffee tables weren’t enough – add to this a pair of oversized three armed French sconces.   What a mixture.  Again, the sconces are elongated – with a vertical appearance, where something horizontal is desperately needed here.    The entire marble fireplace vignette truly baffles me almost as much as the two coffee tables do.   When my house was photographed for a magazine – the stylists really edited it , they changed things around, they brought in props – did that not happen here?  Does this stylist really leave houses exactly the way he found them?  



Should I even address the upholstery?   The exuberant Brunschwig & Fils print on the sofa is nice – I like it, actually.  But look across at the other sofa, covered in a striped brown velvet, along with a floral accent pillow – I don’t see a connection here.   And yes, I understand that kind of decorating, where nothing really matches – but things should at least blend, no?   Again – am I missing something? 





The other picture of the living room shows the two coffee tables again, the sofa, the unmatched lamps (to each other and anything else in the room.)    Where to start?   What I suppose is the focal point of the room – though two side by side coffee tables would be a focal point in any other room -  a large picture gallery wall, filled with lots of expensive art, takes the room off in another direction.  What direction – don’t ask me.   I just paid for the magazine, I didn’t pick the house.  There’s no area rug and I’m not sure what the purpose of the pillows is, certainly not to enhance.   Oh – and be sure to notice the solo, two armed sconce in the middle of all the art work that somehow balances out the green lamp next to the sofa.  I doubt that was intentional.



In the dining room, the table is surrounded by leather chairs from the designer’s own furniture line, that seem oddly short to me.  No?  The walls are wallpapered with a gorgeous Zuber pattern, yet the mirrored chimney piece creates an odd effect on the wallpaper’s scene.   It stops the eye where it should freely move across the wall.   The mirror almost has a magnifying effect on the wallpaper.  Why put the built in mirror there?   I don’t understand that – do you?




The designer’s own studio is nice enough – I adore the cabinetry with the Dutch door.   And I love her drafting desk.   Here, finally, is an area rug, yet could it be any smaller or any trendier?  This room could be a knock-out, instead it looks like it was decorated with Salvation Army specials.  Am I wrong here?  



The den with its sofa, and odd one armed chaise, is fine, a typical mixture of things chosen to look edgy – while using classic fabrics.  Again,  I never quite understood,  why in order to be “chic” or “hip” – one has to pick things that don’t seem to relate to each other.   It’s like the curtains were found there, and the furniture moved in around them.  It’s me, I know that.  But I like pillows that mean something.  Pillows with definite shape – full, robust, oversized.   Jeffrey Bilhuber makes the most perfect pillows I think I have ever seen.  Go here to see how pillows should look.



The kitchen is one of the prettier rooms in the house, though I don’t understand why the range is in the breakfast area, but hey, I don’t cook – maybe the range SHOULD be in the breakfast area.  



The bedroom is a beautiful room – if only for its wonderful curtains, made of Bennison linen.  How could anyone go wrong with Bennison?   I’ll tell you – they put dark chocolate trim around it’s edges, that’s how.  I give up.



I’ll admit it, I’m getting older.   I’m past middle age now, and maybe that’s the reason I can’t join the chorus of bloggers who loved this house.   How do you feel about it?   Does the kitchen and bedroom make you forgive the living room?    Do you yourself like two desperate coffee tables side by side?    Are you one to put any materials together, without regard to color or pattern, and declare the room “designed?”  Am I not hip enough, not eclectic enough, not chic or trendy enough?   Am I crazy?  This house in person is probably beautiful.   And it’s a beloved family home, so who am I to criticize it?   I certainly am no better designer, and not at all in this league.  And I’m certainly not as beautiful.   But, when I buy a magazine, I expect something wonderful, maybe even perfect.   Something that makes me dream and go all green with envy too.   I want to learn something  - I want to see how the greats do it and maybe emulate them one day.   Come on editors – give us your best shot.  You’ve got a captive audience here.   Hit us with something that will stun us, motivate us, inspire us. 

I do know one thing, I feel ripped off.  I don’t want to pay good money for nothing anymore.

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Good Money for Nothing!


A story in a recent magazine really left me puzzled.   The last few months, I have become acutely aware of the lack of design magazines available.  We’ve all watched as one by one, titles have fallen victim to our economy – I don’t need to list them all here again, but a trip to the book stores really opens your eyes to what is left.   Not much.  We’ve lamented their loss together and expressed shock as one after another has folded.  The reality is now here.    Thank God for House Beautiful and Southern Accents, Metropolitan Home and Veranda,  Traditional Home and Elle Decor.   And……?     See what  I mean?     It’s slim pickings.    Which puts the spotlight on those remaining.    Magazines aren’t cheap, take a $10 bill to the counter and you might walk out with two – maybe.    The current mags should be fabulous now – they have their pick of houses to publish.   Scouts are telling me that they keep getting turned away with stories that normally would have been snapped up.  There’s a glut of houses deserving of publication – yet they’ve been rejected.    Which should mean that the ones that are published, are wonderful houses with interiors that could make a grown man weep from the beauty.   But still, it’s not quite happening.   Each issue arrives stuffed with mediocrity and junk.   Some make you laugh, others draw a wince.  

I don’t usually go “negative” here – but I am going to today.   So forgive me this rant.  I’ll be back to normal tomorrow – all chipper and happy.  For now, I’m confused.  Is it me?   Am I the only one who feels this way?   Do others see what I see?


The story that caused my head to shake shows a house in Los Angeles – the owner is the wife of a famous  rock star.  She also was the interior decorator,  one of her many talents the magazine informed us of.   Other prolific talents are photography and lyric writing for her husband’s songs.   Her ambitions for their house were certainly lofty.  The new construction abode was designed to look like an authentic Wallace Neff.  The pool house was inspired by a photograph from David Hicks’ book – My Kind of Garden.  The staircase was modeled after one found in Nancy Lancaster’s  Mirador,  Neff, Hicks, Lancaster – let’s drop some names.   This is going to be stunning, no?    Their master bedroom is quite lovely – that I will admit.   And their kitchen is very nice too.  When these pictures were first seen – bloggers went ga-ga over the house and I’ll admit at my first cursory glance I did too, even leaving comments saying “beautiful!”  I finally had some extra time to leisurely pour over this house and all I can wonder is “Am I crazy, here?  What am I missing?”

I try to never do this – never focus on the negative, and maybe I am wrong here.  Maybe this is wonderful and I should get my  hands slapped and  go re-enroll  in design school and hey, maybe even join ASID!   With so little competition out there, shouldn’t we be seeing the best that interior design has to offer?   Is this house all that?   Was there nothing else to show us last March?  



What drives me crazy about this room:  two coffee tables.  Why? Why?  And if you DID want two coffee tables – shouldn’t they relate either in size or style?   I understand eclectic – I get it.  I just do not get THIS.  If for some really good reason you needed two coffee tables side by side, shouldn’t at least ONE be attractive?  Finding attractive coffee tables is hard, I know that, I live that.   But to pick two of the ugliest coffee tables in the world, now that takes some work.  Actually, let me correct that, the shorter table was designed by the home owner – who has launched her own furniture line.  Yes, I did just say that.   But, two coffee table - am I wrong?   Am I missing something? 



There’s more.   The mantle is so high, I’m guessing it’s over 5 ft tall.  The mantel is a vertical element.  It’s tall, it’s narrow.    The designer then adds a long, skinny, goopy, fancy mirror, further extending the vertical line.   The mantel is crying out for something more horizontal – something wide to balance out the tall vertical element of the fireplace.   What is especially amusing is that the designer proclaims:   “I wanted everything to have a human scale.”   Human scale?  For whom – the Jolly Green Giant?   A simple, round convex mirror would have been nice.  A wide painting propped on the top would have been nice.   A line of short porcelains would have been nice.   My neck aches just looking up at that mirror.




And if the fancy Chippendale styled mirror and the two coffee tables weren’t enough – add to this a pair of oversized three armed French sconces.   What a mixture.  Again, the sconces are elongated – with a vertical appearance, where something horizontal is desperately needed here.    The entire marble fireplace vignette truly baffles me almost as much as the two coffee tables do.   When my house was photographed for a magazine – the stylists really edited it , they changed things around, they brought in props – did that not happen here?  Does this stylist really leave houses exactly the way he found them?  



Should I even address the upholstery?   The exuberant Brunschwig & Fils print on the sofa is nice – I like it, actually.  But look across at the other sofa, covered in a striped brown velvet, along with a floral accent pillow – I don’t see a connection here.   And yes, I understand that kind of decorating, where nothing really matches – but things should at least blend, no?   Again – am I missing something? 





The other picture of the living room shows the two coffee tables again, the sofa, the unmatched lamps (to each other and anything else in the room.)    Where to start?   What I suppose is the focal point of the room – though two side by side coffee tables would be a focal point in any other room -  a large picture gallery wall, filled with lots of expensive art, takes the room off in another direction.  What direction – don’t ask me.   I just paid for the magazine, I didn’t pick the house.  There’s no area rug and I’m not sure what the purpose of the pillows is, certainly not to enhance.   Oh – and be sure to notice the solo, two armed sconce in the middle of all the art work that somehow balances out the green lamp next to the sofa.  I doubt that was intentional.



In the dining room, the table is surrounded by leather chairs from the designer’s own furniture line, that seem oddly short to me.  No?  The walls are wallpapered with a gorgeous Zuber pattern, yet the mirrored chimney piece creates an odd effect on the wallpaper’s scene.   It stops the eye where it should freely move across the wall.   The mirror almost has a magnifying effect on the wallpaper.  Why put the built in mirror there?   I don’t understand that – do you?




The designer’s own studio is nice enough – I adore the cabinetry with the Dutch door.   And I love her drafting desk.   Here, finally, is an area rug, yet could it be any smaller or any trendier?  This room could be a knock-out, instead it looks like it was decorated with Salvation Army specials.  Am I wrong here?  



The den with its sofa, and odd one armed chaise, is fine, a typical mixture of things chosen to look edgy – while using classic fabrics.  Again,  I never quite understood,  why in order to be “chic” or “hip” – one has to pick things that don’t seem to relate to each other.   It’s like the curtains were found there, and the furniture moved in around them.  It’s me, I know that.  But I like pillows that mean something.  Pillows with definite shape – full, robust, oversized.   Jeffrey Bilhuber makes the most perfect pillows I think I have ever seen.  Go here to see how pillows should look.



The kitchen is one of the prettier rooms in the house, though I don’t understand why the range is in the breakfast area, but hey, I don’t cook – maybe the range SHOULD be in the breakfast area.  



The bedroom is a beautiful room – if only for its wonderful curtains, made of Bennison linen.  How could anyone go wrong with Bennison?   I’ll tell you – they put dark chocolate trim around it’s edges, that’s how.  I give up.



I’ll admit it, I’m getting older.   I’m past middle age now, and maybe that’s the reason I can’t join the chorus of bloggers who loved this house.   How do you feel about it?   Does the kitchen and bedroom make you forgive the living room?    Do you yourself like two desperate coffee tables side by side?    Are you one to put any materials together, without regard to color or pattern, and declare the room “designed?”  Am I not hip enough, not eclectic enough, not chic or trendy enough?   Am I crazy?  This house in person is probably beautiful.   And it’s a beloved family home, so who am I to criticize it?   I certainly am no better designer, and not at all in this league.  And I’m certainly not as beautiful.   But, when I buy a magazine, I expect something wonderful, maybe even perfect.   Something that makes me dream and go all green with envy too.   I want to learn something  - I want to see how the greats do it and maybe emulate them one day.   Come on editors – give us your best shot.  You’ve got a captive audience here.   Hit us with something that will stun us, motivate us, inspire us. 

I do know one thing, I feel ripped off.  I don’t want to pay good money for nothing anymore.

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Happy Father's (and Belated Mother's) Day!

A few years ago, I found a bunch of old photos by father had taken on a few road trips in the 1960's. They were a great square shape but had curled up over the years so I had them professionally scanned in and reprinted. Now they hang in my apartment where I enjoy looking at them everyday. They have a fabulous vintage quality that photos today just don't have.

I definitely get my artistic, creative and literary skills from my parents and I thank them for fostering it through trips to museums and libraries and mountains of art supplies. I also realized from a friend last year that not all parents are encouraging and supportive so I feel very lucky that they always believed in me. I don't think I would be where I am today without them. Thanks mom and dad!

Photos by Charles Clawson
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HUE by Kelly Wearstler

Say what you will about interior designer Kelly Wearstler but the woman has talent and I can bet that her new book, Hue, will be just as popular as her previous ones when it's published in November. Hue will include photos of her much talked about new home in Beverly Hills, as well as her celebrity and hotel projects and design studio. The book "celebrates the power of color in Kelly's work and the possibilities of color in interior design and decorating." Although her design style may be fabulous, some of her hair styles aren't which is I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she's tossed the crimping iron for good. But I guess we'll just have to wait until November to find out!
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Wet Weekend

There is rain forecasted again for this weekend and I can tell you that New Yorkers have just about had it with the weather. But instead of building an ark and collecting the animals two by two, there are a few other good weekend options that are perfect for escaping the deluge. Just make sure you wear your Wellies!

What could be better than going to the movies when the weather is gross? There are a few good movies that I want to see including Easy Virtue (above). It's based on a Noel Coward play where an American race car driver, played by Jessica Biel, meets the family of her new English husband and as you can guess, trouble naturally ensues. Kristen Scott Thomas and Colin Firth also star so so it's perfect for those who loved Gosford Park and Pride and Prejudice. I might also have to see The Hangover just so I can continue stalking Bradley Cooper this week but I hear it's hysterically funny. I also hear he's been spotted with Jennifer Aniston.again. I guess someone else has been stalking him too!

I was trying to save my visit to The Metropolitan Museum of Art for a nice day so I could enjoy the roof but that might have to wait for another day, probably in August at this rate. Museums really are made for rainy days though. You can wonder around for hours viewing everything from mummies to Monet. The new Francis Bacon exhibit is not for the faint of heart or easily offended but I am excited to see his paintings in the retrospective that spans his entire career. Also not to be missed is The Model as Muse exhibit of photography and fashion. Maybe they have some chic rain gear on view.

One of my readers was very upset that they missed the Taschen Warehouse Sale last go round so I'm giving you all a heads up that it's on until Sunday. I stopped by today even though I don't need any new books so I just bought a few city guides. They have some of the VERY expensive books by Walton Ford and Valentino on sale so it's worth the trip. Although you may want to bring along a plastic bag to get your books home dry if you go when it's raining!

Seemed that every store I stopped into today was having a sale on their spring and summer clothes which was kind of funny since it hasn't even been warm enough to wear summer clothes yet! The new Phillip Lim boutique (above) has 40% markdowns going on now so it's too bad that the dress I liked was a little too short. Note to Phillip...can you please make your hemlines a little longer for those of us who live uptown and aren't 19 years old? Thanks! You can always shorten a dress but you can't make it longer!

The shoes in all the fancy stores are also on sale. I got caught by reader trying on a few pairs last week in Bergdorfs. I used to say that I always went out of the house with clean hair and wearing lipstick in case I ran into an old boyfriend but now it's in case someone recognizes me from the blog! The shoes were only marked down 30% which means that $600 shoes become $400 and that's not enough of a discount if you ask me. I also decided not to buy anything since Stefan of Architect Design would kill me if I spent money on shoes that I could be saving for our upcoming trip to Paris. Although, what I really want to buy is a one-way ticket to Ibiza to escape this incessant rain! I feel like I'm living in London! Anyway, stay dry and have a bon weekend!
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Ya os puedo mostrar el intercambio que hice en el Quaker Exchange 18ª edición porque Gwen ya lo ha recibido. Casualmente nosotras ya hemos sido emparejadas en otras ediciones.

El color elegido era el negro o gris oscuro. Yo me decanté por el primero. La tela  fue un lino de Zweigart y el hilo de DMC.
El medallón una vez  más elegido del Pattern Book. Éste en concreto no había llegado a bordarlo todavía.

En la trasera cosí dos  telas de bastista bordada. 
Este acerico o pinkeep lo terminé con una cinta de terciopelo  negro  y unos alfileres también de ese color que aún no había estrenado.
Creo  quedó muy elegante.

Patti  fue mi compañera secreta. Me envió su pinkeep enseguida . Bordó este corazón también en negro. ¡ Que casualidad , escogimos el mismo color de hilo y tela !

Dudó en poner los alfileres blancos pero finalmente se decidió por ellos. Me alegro . Creo que los lacitos en las esquinas le han quedado estupendos.
Fijaros que tela tan bonita escogió para la parte de atrás.
Aproveché la tela de Toile de Jouy   ( en el fondo )  que me regaló Pilar para hacer la foto.

......... Y el próximo será el 19º...   eso espero.
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Meet Monelle

I first met Monelle Totah, the vice president of design for Williams-Sonoma Home at the new store opening party last October and was immediately interested in her job. The product development aspect sounded so interesting and quite frankly like a dream job that few know about or even realize is an option when they are going to college. I asked the powers that be at Williams-Sonoma Home if I could interview Monelle for the blog. Everything was on track until I suggested that photos of her home would make a great addition to the story and was told that a big fancy shelter magazine has just shot it and there was no way to post them until it was published. I am happy to report that Monelle's beautiful home was just featured in the July issue of Elle Decor which means that I can finally present her to you! So with out further ado, please meet Monelle!

Monelle Totah grew up in Louisiana and has a bachelor’s degree in fine arts from Louisiana State University but it is her childhood that really influenced her future career in design at Williams-Sonoma Home. She says she read somewhere that “southerners are a tenacious lot, we take our homes seriously.” She can also remember the first time she met her mother’s decorator. “He came over with story boards and I was in complete fascination,” she says. Monelle also traveled a lot on family vacations where even at a young age she was purchasing, rummaging and collecting. “I love product!” she also states. “I am constantly shopping…yes for shoes and handbags as well!” She grew up wanting to be a merchant in the truest sense of word and loved to discover, design, develop beautiful things. “I suppose that is why I love what I do!”

Another interesting and influential aspect to her childhood was that both her parents were excellent cooks. Monelle’s father had a restaurant in Louisiana for 20 years. “I grew up in a family that the kitchen was the center of the world and the home was an extension of that. Even today in my home, I love to cook and entertain!”

Monelle Totah has been with Williams-Sonoma for over 19 years! It all began in 1986 when, alongside the company’s founder, Chuck Williams, she created the Chambers brand. Launched as a catalog in 1989, Chambers was the first brand in the U.S. to offer the finest in European linens and hotel quality towels. During her 9-year career with the brand, Monelle was responsible for product design, merchandising, and inventory management. Her history with Chambers led her to also create the Chambers Heritage bedding collection, now a Williams-Sonoma Home mainstay.

Prior to Williams-Sonoma Home, she was the director of furniture and lighting design at Pottery Barn where she helped grow the lighting and upholstery assortments into the core collections they are today. In addition, she was the senior director of design for Banana Republic Home where she was responsible for designing home textiles and bedding.

Monelle has since led the design team at Williams-Sonoma Home since the launch of the brand in 2004. Under her guidance, the Williams-Sonoma Home custom upholstery program has grown to offer more than 150 fabrics on more than 77 different frames. She has also led the creation of a fine art assortment that includes rare lithographs and limited-edition and signed art previously unavailable in a retail environment.

HC: Williams-Sonoma Home represents classic style. How do you reinterpret that each season to make it fresh and exciting for your customers?
MT: Based on our travels, where we have been or read, our inspiration changes for each season. Whether we are picking a fabric, a texture, a material, or sometimes a place – with color, icons, materials and fabrications, we do try to keep each season exciting and new. We edit through a lot!

HC: Does WSH look at trends? And if so, how do you incorporate them without creating "trendy" products?
MT: While we are often inspired by fashion, especially in the textiles area, when creating the color palette or a design detail that can be incorporated into a home textile. We rarely look to “trends.” Each season we tell a story by creating environments, compelling color stories and interesting materials, weaves and finishes.

HC: Do you travel for inspiration and if so, in what cities or countries have you found the most inspiration?
MT: We do travel and get inspiration from so many cities for so many things. My first is Paris, of course! The Porte de Clignancourt flea market is always a source for inspiration, as is my favorite “best for rummaging” Porte de Vanves market. London is great for design inspiration. The interiors are filled with color, there is always that element of surprise! I love the flower markets, whether a restaurant, museum, hotel room or flea market you never know what will inspire you next.

HC: Is there anything you have brought back from a trip that was redesigned as a product for WSH?
MT: I love to hunt for objects that inspire. I have been collecting textiles for over 20 years and we have reproduced so many textile programs from my collections. The antique paisley shawls in fabulous colors will be a woven duvet and I also can’t get enough of the great antique upholstered chairs I have found in Paris. I always come home with one because the silhouettes are often perfect and ready to be brought back and redesigned.

HC: I've noticed a lot of products for entertaining at WSH. Do you find that customers are entertaining more at home these days?
MT: I know I am and do feel that people are staying close to home. Casual “Sunday suppers” are always on the calendar.

HC: Which interior designers past or present have a style that you admire?
MT: I really admire David Hicks, Dororthy Draper, Elsie de Wolfe. It’s amazing they are still so influential! A present day interior designer that I admire is Suzanne Kasler. She is the picture of southern glamour!

HC: Are there any books that you look to time and again for inspiration? Are there any new books that you love or can't wait to read?
MT: I love interior books – Michael Taylor’s new book Michael Taylor: Interior Design is on my list and Carleton Varney Houses in My Heart is great! I am a huge Daryl Carter fan and have not gotten to his book yet either. Too many books, so little time!

HC: The design world is always talking about the movie set designs that inspire them like Auntie Mame and Somethings Gotta Give. Are there any movies that inspire you?
MT: I watched a rerun of the Doris Day and Rock Hudson movie Pillow Talk. The set epitomizes Hollywood chic! I loved the grey walls!

HC: Color trends change for the seasons but are there any colors that you are noticing transcend the seasons and look good all year?
MT: I can’t get enough of the beautiful neutrals, from whites to khaki. We are working a lot with the most beautiful creams, warm wheat tones and buttery yellows.

HC: What is your best advice for anyone who needs a little inspiration right now?
MT: Get out of your office! Go to museums, shop store windows, etc. I love browsing through trim shops, fabric stores and of course book stores!

Photos by Simon Uptown
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Whitney Art Party Wrap Up

The title of the first work above by Andrew Kuo is Late Hangover And/Or This is Why I Don't Like Mirrors on February 17, 2009 and could pretty much sum up how I am feeling this morning! Just kidding! I really don't feel that bad. Probably because they ran out of champagne too early. The art available through the silent auction at the Whitney Art Party was amazing and I wish I could have bought everything. Silent auctions and charity sales are a great place to buy contemporary art usually at a good price .

More interesting than the art was the crowd which was made up of fabulous fashionistas, galleristas, models and celebrities. I clearly wasn't the only girl trying to stalk Bradley Cooper. He was quite popular all night and is much thinner in person that I would have suspected. Also throwing the ladies into a tizzy was Gerard Butler. I overheard two girls planning what they were going to say to him and when I left they had made their move and were chatting him up. This mixed media work above Endless Prayers III by Iranian artist Y.Z. Kami was another one of my favorites.

You know you're not at a normal party when the socialites are thinner than the models. It was a bit depressing but definitely motivational. I swear I'm never eating bread ever again! I ran into Porter Hovey who was taking photos for Art in America and we were joking about the amazing people watching! Definitely a much different crowd than the design parties as Chase Booth also acknowledged! It was so nice running into him because he was with Matthew Larkin who I finally got to meet in person. Remember my post about his amazing light fixtures and topiaries? I feel bad comparing artists to each other but this piece above M.R.C. (c. 1921) by Jeremy Lawson reminded me of a modern version of a Cy Twombley. (It looked much better in person.) And since Cy Twombley is beyond most people's price range, it's a great alternative!

Artist Hunt Slonem donated a work Rabbit and was also at the party among other wonderful artists. If you didn't get to attend the Whitney Art Party this year, then I highly recommend that you put it on the calendar for next year. You can have a drink, bid on some art and check out the amazing crowd! What could be better than that?!
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