
My Designs: Thoughts on a Design Process

I had seen this picture in a magazine, it was of Atlanta's Suzanne Kasler's dining room and the lovely pink draperies struck me as such a daring choice, and yet, they were so beautiful. Several weeks later I had an appointment with a client whom I profiled earlier and I mentioned that I wanted to bring pink into her room. The walls of her living room were already painted in a light celadon, darker celadon stripe (or maybe they are more of an aqua) and she wanted to keep the stripes. Pink would go nicely with them, but the hue had to be deeper than Kasler's pink. The next time I came over I brought several taffeta samples from cerise to fuchsia and the design took off from there. We chose a large Chelsea Editions cherry check and a gorgeous Lee Jofa classic chintz to bring the deep pink in. A celadon Nancy Corzine silk grounded the custom sofa and another Chelsea Textiles seabreeze small check graced the Swedish sofa.

The crowning fabric, though, was a complete afterthought to fix a huge mistake. Originally a pale Bennison linen was to go on the skirted table. Once it arrived, it just died where it lain and at a great personal expense I added this gorgeous damask, in, of course, a berry color. The adjoining walk-in bar was repapered in a deep pink Cowtan and Tout oriental toile.

To look at the finished room it bears no resemblance in any way to the original inspiration picture, which is strange. What I do know, is, that if I hadn't originally brought this picture of Kasler's dining room to my client, her room would look completely different today.

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Stalking Houston Real Estate

Whenever I'm bored (well, before I discovered design blogs) I search the MSL for Houston homes. I always start with the most exclusive neighborhoods: River Oaks, Memorial Villages, West University, or Tanglewood. It is so fascinating to me to take a glimpse inside a stranger's house. Mostly, though, I am searching for interiors that speak to me.

The biggest "find" is to see a house decorated by a designer whose work I recognize. If the designer is locally well known, they will be mentioned by name. A successful search yields an interior by Carol Glasser, Babs Watkins, Ginger Barber, or Pam Pierce, to name a few of my personal favorites. I've even spotted a few of their personal homes on the web site. Some of the houses for sale have been featured in national design magazines and finding one of these is a special high for me. I save the pictures of the homes that attract me. Here are a few of my favorites pictures from this year. Looking at the ones I picked, I realized - gee I LOVE seagrass!

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My Designs: Thoughts on a Design Process

I had seen this picture in a magazine, it was of Atlanta's Suzanne Kasler's dining room and the lovely pink draperies struck me as such a daring choice, and yet, they were so beautiful. Several weeks later I had an appointment with a client whom I profiled earlier and I mentioned that I wanted to bring pink into her room. The walls of her living room were already painted in a light celadon, darker celadon stripe (or maybe they are more of an aqua) and she wanted to keep the stripes. Pink would go nicely with them, but the hue had to be deeper than Kasler's pink. The next time I came over I brought several taffeta samples from cerise to fuchsia and the design took off from there. We chose a large Chelsea Editions cherry check and a gorgeous Lee Jofa classic chintz to bring the deep pink in. A celadon Nancy Corzine silk grounded the custom sofa and another Chelsea Textiles seabreeze small check graced the Swedish sofa.

The crowning fabric, though, was a complete afterthought to fix a huge mistake. Originally a pale Bennison linen was to go on the skirted table. Once it arrived, it just died where it lain and at a great personal expense I added this gorgeous damask, in, of course, a berry color. The adjoining walk-in bar was repapered in a deep pink Cowtan and Tout oriental toile.

To look at the finished room it bears no resemblance in any way to the original inspiration picture, which is strange. What I do know, is, that if I hadn't originally brought this picture of Kasler's dining room to my client, her room would look completely different today.

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Stalking Houston Real Estate

Whenever I'm bored (well, before I discovered design blogs) I search the MSL for Houston homes. I always start with the most exclusive neighborhoods: River Oaks, Memorial Villages, West University, or Tanglewood. It is so fascinating to me to take a glimpse inside a stranger's house. Mostly, though, I am searching for interiors that speak to me.

The biggest "find" is to see a house decorated by a designer whose work I recognize. If the designer is locally well known, they will be mentioned by name. A successful search yields an interior by Carol Glasser, Babs Watkins, Ginger Barber, or Pam Pierce, to name a few of my personal favorites. I've even spotted a few of their personal homes on the web site. Some of the houses for sale have been featured in national design magazines and finding one of these is a special high for me. I save the pictures of the homes that attract me. Here are a few of my favorites pictures from this year. Looking at the ones I picked, I realized - gee I LOVE seagrass!

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French Wing Chairs

A few blogs prior I showed you my new French sofa that's coming to live in my family room, one day soon - I hope. I've been struggggggling with what kind of chairs to go with it. I think I've finally decided: French wing chairs with a mouton leg, like the sofa. Too matching? Probably, I've given up. Here's a picture of the chair I've chosen. Also I've posted a picture from the Houston Real Estate web site showing famed Houston designer Ginger Barber's living room. She has two wing chairs similar to what I've chosen. Is this a good choice, or should I continue looking? Que pensez-vous ?
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French Wing Chairs

A few blogs prior I showed you my new French sofa that's coming to live in my family room, one day soon - I hope. I've been struggggggling with what kind of chairs to go with it. I think I've finally decided: French wing chairs with a mouton leg, like the sofa. Too matching? Probably, I've given up. Here's a picture of the chair I've chosen. Also I've posted a picture from the Houston Real Estate web site showing famed Houston designer Ginger Barber's living room. She has two wing chairs similar to what I've chosen. Is this a good choice, or should I continue looking? Que pensez-vous ?
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Cerrado por vacaciones

Me despido por una temporada para tomar mis vacaciones estivales. Mi bolsa de labores va bien cargada . Nos vemos a la vuelta.
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Atelier de Brodeuse terminado

Pues este era el esquema de Au fil des Revés que empecé hace unos dias sobre un lino de 28ct de Lakeside linen llamado Vintage Magnolia y qué preguté si sabíais qué era.

He utilizado hilos de seda para su bordado y una preciosa cinta de satén de Vikki Clayton tintada que queda genial con las telas . Por supuesto un adorno alrededor una puntilla que traía la cinta de raso .

Detrás coloqué de esta manera tan original para sujetar el cojín y no tener que hacer cremalleras, además de práctico queda bonito. Los lazos cosidos arriba y abajo se anudan para dar color al cojín.

Tengo en marcha otro de este estilo ,pero eso tendrá que ser más adelante. Ya lo vereis
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Otro proyecto a medio camino

He empezado este esquema para alguien en mi familia que se ha trasladado a vivir a mi tierra de nacimiento. Tanto a él como a mí nos gustan las plantas y pensé que este bordado quería genial en su sofá.
Gracias a mi querida amiga invisible que está haciendo posible que lo borde y que utilice una de sus telas que tan generosamente me envió hace tiempo entre otras.
Por supuesto será un cojín, quizá diferente al propuesto en el modelo.
Para mi hermano .
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www.New York Social

One of my favorite web sites to read is the New York Social Diary. Not the whole site, but one part only - House. Here different designers are interviewed in their own homes. The question & answer is only slightly more interesting than the fabulous pictures. This week interviewed at his home in Paris is the designer Juan Pablo Molyneux. Can you say gorgeous? An empty space is completely paneled in red lacquer - how decadent. There are several pictures of an enfilade of rooms - oh how I want an enfilade! The interview is a fascinating glimpse into the uber cultured world of J.P.M. He defines the word debonair. If you visit this site, be sure to read the archives - they don't stay forever as I notice that the interview of Bunny Williams and John Rosselli is now gone. Still available to read are the ones of Charlotte Moss, Carolyn Roehm, and David Easton amongst others.

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Want to Rent an Apartment in Paris?

I love this web site: Chez Vous Paris . If you're looking to spend a vacation in Paris but don't want to stay at a hotel, this is the place to start your search. What sets this apartment locating company apart from the others is: Myra Hoefer. Hoefer is an extremely talented interior designer from Healdsburg, California whom Chez Vous hired to redesign many of their listings. These redo's sing. So many of the apartments available for rent in Paris are dreary and without any of the charm that one would expect from the design-savvy French. It took an American to Franconize and romanticize these rentals to American expectations. Hoefer liberally uses lavish silk curtains and gray painted antique furniture to set the mood. The results are chic and understated interiors that are never dressy nor stuffy.

A game I like to play is to look at all the apartments Chez Vous offers and try to pick out the ones that Hoefer worked on. Truly, it isn't that hard a game. Unfortunately Chez Vous does not allow one to use their pictures, so the ones I show here highlighting Hoefer's designs are taken from her web site. N'importe qui veulent partir pour Paris ?

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www.New York Social

One of my favorite web sites to read is the New York Social Diary. Not the whole site, but one part only - House. Here different designers are interviewed in their own homes. The question & answer is only slightly more interesting than the fabulous pictures. This week interviewed at his home in Paris is the designer Juan Pablo Molyneux. Can you say gorgeous? An empty space is completely paneled in red lacquer - how decadent. There are several pictures of an enfilade of rooms - oh how I want an enfilade! The interview is a fascinating glimpse into the uber cultured world of J.P.M. He defines the word debonair. If you visit this site, be sure to read the archives - they don't stay forever as I notice that the interview of Bunny Williams and John Rosselli is now gone. Still available to read are the ones of Charlotte Moss, Carolyn Roehm, and David Easton amongst others.

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Want to Rent an Apartment in Paris?

I love this web site: Chez Vous Paris . If you're looking to spend a vacation in Paris but don't want to stay at a hotel, this is the place to start your search. What sets this apartment locating company apart from the others is: Myra Hoefer. Hoefer is an extremely talented interior designer from Healdsburg, California whom Chez Vous hired to redesign many of their listings. These redo's sing. So many of the apartments available for rent in Paris are dreary and without any of the charm that one would expect from the design-savvy French. It took an American to Franconize and romanticize these rentals to American expectations. Hoefer liberally uses lavish silk curtains and gray painted antique furniture to set the mood. The results are chic and understated interiors that are never dressy nor stuffy.

A game I like to play is to look at all the apartments Chez Vous offers and try to pick out the ones that Hoefer worked on. Truly, it isn't that hard a game. Unfortunately Chez Vous does not allow one to use their pictures, so the ones I show here highlighting Hoefer's designs are taken from her web site. N'importe qui veulent partir pour Paris ?

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The Worlds Largest Collection of Smalls

Este es el título de un nuevo blog que ha nacido este mes. Su fundadoraBeckySC, es una gran amante de los accesorios . Esta bordadora americana también fundó un espacio de intercambios con mucho éxito hace algún tiempo y en el que participé también. Muchas de las bordadoras provenían del grupo de Legacy Embroiders y seguro que más de una conoce o ha formado parte de Stitching Bloggers Exchanges.
Sin embargo , su intención ahora es batir un record, conseguir mil entradas con accesorios diversos . Sólo hay que enviarle un email con los datos del trabajo y la foto . ¿ No es genial, tener un sitio para reunir todos esos pequeños accesorios y poder consultar el nombre del esquema, diseñador, tela e hilos ?
Ojalá que consiga ese record. Hacer punto de cruz no es sólo bordar grandes y maravillosos cuadros, también es disfrutar de lo pequeño, aunque a veces no tenga un fin práctico y sólo sirva para alegrarnos la vista. Son un detalle como regalo o como intercambio y además te anima a intentar probar una nueva terminación para el bordado.
El enlace está en el título de este artículo.

Por cierto, no os perdais todos los que Becky tiene y cómo los coloca en su casa. Las fotos en su blog ( pincha en su nombre ) en su artículo del 5 de junio. ¡ Un regalo para la vista ! ¡ Impresionante !
Puesto que las fotos son suyas , evito colocarlas aquí de manera intencionada. La que tenga curiosidad tendrá que referirse a su sitio.

Aunque ella ha hecho bastantes, la mayoría proceden de intercambios y regalos que ha recibido .
Anímate y aunque no tengas blog podrás ver en este blog, tu trabajo.
Gracias Becky por dedicar una vez más tu esfuerzo a promover y difundir el trabajo de aguja .
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Quaker Exchange 13 llega a casa

Mi fin de semana me ha mantenida fuera del ordenador y fue imposible contaros contaros que ya había recibido el intercambio quaker numero trece.
Comuniqué a la moderadora del grupo de Legacy, al que sabeis que suelo acudir, para contarle que hasta la fecha no había recibido nada. Realmente Nancy es un encanto, siempre está al tanto de cualquier problema que surja durante el intercambio.
Por eso , mi compañera cumplió atentamente con una de las reglas que suelen ser comunes en este tipo de trabajos, y es rehacer otro intercambio ( valga la redundancia) si es que se pierde en el camino.
Así Patti, me envió este precioso pinkeep con el color escogido, el verde.
Me encanta cómo ha colocado la cinta de seda, toda rizada alrededor. Simplemente pasó un hilo del mismo color por en medio y luego estiró para que quedara rizada. Finalmente lo pegó con pegamento y puso los alfileres.
Aunque no tomé una foto, detrás colocó un tela de seda salvaje justo en el mismo tono de hilo .

Este es el segundo intercambio que se ha tenido que repetir en este QQX 13 ¿ Dónde irán todos a parar ? Cómo dice Nancy, seguramente Papá Noel ya está empezando a llenar su bolsa para las navidades.
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My Summer Garden - My Spot of Heaven

My backyard is at its prettiest this year, I think. Pink and white caladiums are up and smiling as big as life. The multicolored impatiens are tall, almost ready for cutting back to start over again this summer (or should I not?) Newly laid gravel looks fresh and clean. The fountain is a little green from the heavy, daily deluges - but that will change next week when it will be clear and clean again. A few of the climbing roses are peeking out here and there. Everything is so pink - bright pink, light pink, coral pink - every shade of pink. The lavender lantana is not as prominent as it was during the spring, but that's ok. I'm into pink these days, inside and out.

It may not look like it from these pictures, but my yard is very small, very, very tiny. 50 x 15. I've done the best I could do with it and after 13 years, I'm finally happy this summer. The calming sound of the water falling from the urn into the pond, the twinkling lights on the arbor, the fluttering butterflies that seem to love the flowers as much as I do all combine to calm my nerves as I sit outside, day and night, usually reading design blogs on my computer. It's my spot of heaven.
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