
A Beautiful New Year!

As you know, I can't stand seeing a new magazine on the newsstand before it's arrived in my mailbox so I had to buy the new February 2009 issue of House Beautiful when I saw it today. The cover is gorgeous and showcases the new collection of fabrics from Annie Selke for Calico Corners. I was just looking at their site the other day and they have a wonderful selection of affordable fabrics that are perfect for those of us without deep pockets.

There was also another little surprise inside that I had forgotten about! Recently, House Beautiful asked eight bloggers to send them a photo of their living room and I'm very honored that Habitually Chic was among those included. I won't ruin it and tell you who the others are so you're just going to have to go out and buy the magazine. Or if you better willpower than me, you could just wait for it to arrive in your mailbox!

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Navidad 08. Diario de una costurera


Bloque 6 del quilt de estrellas

No, no has leído mal. Hoy salto un bloque algo más complicado y sigo al siguiente. El domingo que tengo más tiempo me pondré con él.

El de hoy me ha dado algún problemilla con las esquinas y aún así no he podido corregir algún pequeño error. Así se queda.

El otro proyecto " por necesidad " ya lo he acabado. Y digo por necesidad porque hasta ahora no tenía nada para colocar los esquemas de trabajos de patch, sólo un cajón donde iba almacenando. Pero hacer el quilt de estrellas me ha servido para ponerle solución y tener todo colocado .

Busqué un archivador por casa y aproveché éste blanco de plástico que tenía.Su tamaño es grande , para hojas de DIN A4

... Y aquí está acabado después de tomar medidas, combinar las telas y decidirme finalmente .

En en centro coloqué el bloque que os había mostrado otro día como preludio a este proyecto del que no había dado pistas.

Combiné otra tela para darle algo de claridad y recorté el trozo donde iban las rayas.

Así he dejado el interior.....

Un bolsillo en el lateral , acolchado ,para colocar cosas y tenerlas más a mano

Como separadores he utilizado hojas de scrap y marcadores.

Así es la parte de atrás y contraportada.

Le he colocado guata fina para darle algo de cuerpo

Ahora lo tengo todo recogido , lo que ya he hecho y los futuros proyectos y me encanta cómo ha quedado .
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Noir et Blanc

I spent part of this New Year's Day surfing the internet in search of interesting interiors and I'm so glad I did because I it led me to Fabrice Diomard. Most of the information about Fabrice is in French and has caused me to add "take a refresher French class" to my New Year's resolutions since I can only make out bits and pieces of the story. What I did manage to figure out is that Fabrice Diomard is an interior designer of Italian and Nordic descent and influence and owns a shop in Paris called L'Autre Maison. He works with the George V hotel and other clients and I think also designs furniture. I know his boutique is going to be my premier stop on my next trip to Paris.

His apartment featured here displays that wonderful European flair for mixing antiques and in this case ancient statues with modern furniture including plexiglass pieces. There is a wonderful video tour of the home on Interieurs and although it is in French, it is worth checking out. I also found a few other articles and a floor plan which might looks a little off but will still give you a sense of the space. Even though the color palette is mostly black and white, it's never dull due to the varying shades of color and patina.

I especially love how the apartment glows with warm candle light in the Interieurs video. The small dark and cozy bedroom would be good inspiration for many tiny New York City bedrooms. Oh, and if you didn't notice already, Fabrice is a bit of a hottie. Just another reason to check out his designs and shop!

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Taking Stock

I was reading over my list of resolutions and things I wanted to do in 2008 and although I didn't keep them all or make all of them happen, I think I had a pretty good year!

I never expected that my friend would actually ask me to decorate his bachelor pad or that I would be profiled by 1stdibs. I never thought that I would write for a magazine and am so grateful to Kansas City Home Design for giving me a chance and to Domino for asking me to write the story I pitched to them about the Next Generation and who included me as one of their favorite blogs in 2008. I am excited that a few other people took a chance and hired me to decorate their apartments which you will hear about soon!

I am also so happy about all the wonderful people whom I met and became friends with in 2008 from the team at Domino and Williams-Sonoma Home, Flair and Maison24, to my fabulous friend Kelly at Dorothy Draper/Carelton V and Eddie and Jaithan who inspire me everyday, Stefan of Architect Design who is so sweet, Emily of Scented Glossy Magazines who makes me laugh out loud, the lovely David Jimenez and especially my wonderfully supportive and encouraging readers! I value all of you who take the time to email me and leave comments as well as those who just stop by from time to time.

It really has been a good year but I just know that 2009 is going to be even better...for all of us! Happy New Year!
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Navidad 08. Diario de una costurera


Con esta preciosidad de flores que está echando mi cactus os regalo una alegre sonrisa para festejar el año que hoy comienza.

Hoy no hay estrella para ver. El día tiene cosas más importantes para hacer y estoy en descanso. Pero sí quiero avanzaros algo de lo que os enseñé ayer. Se trata de un bloque en reducidas dimensiones de uno de los del quilt de estrellas que ya mostré antes. Como tengo que adaptarlo en tamaño , me ha costado repetir los cortes tres veces . Los primeros fueron demasiado pequeños. Ya los aprovecharé con otra cosa. Pero al final , he dado con la medida y aquí está el resultado.

Mañana os contaré en qué queda la cosa.
Me despido con mi nueva y revolucionaria adquisición . ¡ Unos guantes de jardinería para acolchar ! . Sí, sí , siguiendo los sabios consejos de las quilters , por fin me he hecho con estos guantes que ya he tenido el gusto de probar. De momento la cosa va bien. Cuando me encuentre con unos originales para tal uso , me plantearé si comprarlos o no. Aún no sé lo que valen , pero seguro que más que estos. Además también me han aconsejado y he visto , que los de goma o latex también van fenomenal. ¿ Quién iba a decirme que dos de mis pasiones que no tienen nada que ver , iban a darse la mano ? Trabajar con algo de jardinería y algo de telas a la vez.

La grabación es una verdadera penita. El caso es que cuando lo grabé se veía más nítido ,pero al comprimir el video para subirlo a internet, la calidad pierde bastante.
Es la primera vez que subo un vídeo con blogger . También lo he hecho en Youtube. La imagen se ve más grande allí pero pierde nitidez,por si queréis cansaros de escucharme.

OOOpsss!!! Quita la música de fondo , en la parte de abajo del blog. Si no, no podrás escuchar .

......... Y como ya es tradición para el Día de Año Nuevo , he elegido este bordado de Sheepish Designs que tengo hace un montón . Seguramente tintaré un poco el lino, que es de Lakeside. El esquema dice que tiene que ser R&R. Intentaré darle ese aspecto con algo de té.
Tenía muchas ganas de utilizar hilos de Weeks ( hace tiempo que no los disfrutaba ) y me encanta hacer accesorios, como ya algunas sabéis.Es un modelo antiguo llamado" Winghaven A Sewing Pocket ". Os iré contando cómo voy porque lo dejaré para bordarlo por las noches.

Gracias por las que se asoman diariamente a esta pequeña publicación que estoy haciendo durante las Navidades.
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It Was A Very Good Year



Hello, it’s Joni – the face behind Cote de Texas.  I thought I‘d introduce myself for once – all professionally photoshopped, with 54 year old wrinkles and jowls miraculously removed and my image stretched vertically to make me look less……horizontal!    Thank God for photoshop!   Signing off on 2008 brings thoughts of this past year – a year in which Cote de Texas played a huge part in my life.   So many wonderful things have come my way because of this little design blog – the friendships made in real life and through emails, the support you brought with each and every comment (except that occasional nasty Anonymous!) and then there was the wealth of knowledge that came from reading your own blogs about design in your lives.  It’s a small, but growing community – the design blogs – a sisterhood (and brotherhood) dedicated to our homes and our love for them and for those of our friends.

Cote de Texas has become a passion – something which I feel a great responsibility to.   I think about it a lot, questioning my ability to keep you entertained:  what I will find to write about next, will I ever think of anything decent to blog about again?  Just knowing you are out there, clicking onto an old post drives me mad – I wish I could have something interesting and new to post three times a day, but three times a week is more the reality, unfortunately.  

Sometimes what goes on behind the scenes is funnier than what is written.   This year – the award for absurdity goes to a homeowner who shall remain nameless.  When I received gorgeous real estate photographs of her house in an email, and was informed it was up for sale – I naively shared it with you, of course!   The homeowner quickly wrote me, aghast, and demanded to know if I had broken into her home and taken pictures of it!!!  Uh, no.   I’m not THAT crazy for a new story line!    What a headline that would make:

Desperate for a new topic, blogger Cote de Texas broke into a Houston mansion to steal pictures of it to show her readers.   Arrested, she remains in jail, unable to post bail – her funds all dried up due to her incessant purchasing of French antiques.”

OK.  I’ll admit to suffering from writer’s block now and then, but trust me people, your homes are safe from me!   But, finding new topics to write about became somewhat harder this year.  2008 was the year of the Design Blog explosion.  Every day brought a new and exciting design blog to read and with each new blog, the competition for fresh material became just a little bit more intense.  I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve started to write about something, only to discover three other bloggers had already covered the subject, and more adequately, too.  Still, somehow I managed to write a number of columns that you found interesting judging from the amount of comments and emails it garnered.   So, here, is a recap of 2008’s more popular Cote de  Texas stories.   I hope you enjoy revisiting these with me.  Follow the RED links to reread the story in its entirety, if you so desire.  And my favorite picks of the 2008 design blogs follows.



Katrina refuges seek shelter in the Houston Astrodome.

I learned a big lesson this year.  Politics and design blogging don’t mix!   Not everyone, by a long shot,  who reads this blog wanted to hear how great Obama was.  Trust me on this!    When I wrote about President Bush and Hurricane Katrina in Gustav – The Bad, boy were the comments heated!  Quite a few of you threatened to never read my blog again after that post!   But it worked both ways.  A Republican blogger friend suffered the same exact threats from Democrats.   I learned, I learned!



Kelly Wearstler, noted designer and author, is just one of the many famous interior designers fined in Florida.  

The one story that truly resonated with readers and created the most comments was ASID – An Agency Out of Control - a post written about Kelly Wearstler, among other notables, being fined in Florida for practicing without a license.   I was stunned to learn what is happening to interior designers in Florida and other states and it was a real eye opener to read how intrusive ASID has become.   Readers mostly agreed, though some pro-ASID people left comments too.  To date, there have been more than 200 comments left, debating the issue of the state licensing of interior designers.  The battle still rages on, but the anti-ASID side seems to be making the most strides.



Hunkering Down with Ike

Another popular storyline and a more poignant one was the series about Hurricane Ike.   I was deeply touched by all the well wishes and prayers you sent our way during Ike.   I can’t express how much your comments meant to my family, even though I didn’t have the electricity to read them and had to resort to using my car battery to charge up my laptop!  As I write this now, our fence is finally being replaced from Ike’s damage – but we were the lucky ones.   Galveston and Bolivar Island suffered greatly and still suffer today.



The beautiful oaks trees and houses of Galveston’s Historical  District.

Remember those beautiful trees from the Historical Districts in Galveston that you commented on?    All those gorgeous trees are now dead, killed by the salt water during Ike.   I can’t bear to think how terrible it must be for that neighborhood, many of those oak trees were planted right after the Great Storm.   In an interesting side note to the Galveston story, one reader was motivated by the pictures to purchase a second home in the historical district!  Lucky girl!



The Wheat’s beautiful kitchen.

So many of you enjoyed Stalking the Wheats in West University and at their Beach House – Bolivar Style.   I still get emails about their house and specifically their kitchen paint color:  Benjamin Moore Fieldstone, btw!  In all – those two stories generated lots of comments and private emails and Sally Wheat became a bit of a celebrity with Cote de Texas readers.  Luckily their Bolivar beach house survived Ike.



The Toile Peugeot!

New Car Blues (and white) was another one you commented on.   But more interesting was the fact that so many design bloggers love the vintage Jeep Wagoneer.  Let’s start a petition to bring it back!


Virtual Beach House #1 versus


Virtual Beach House #2

I never can anticipate what story you will like or reject, and sometimes your choice is surprising.  One such surprise was My Virtual Beach House.  Apparently, everyone has dreams of one day furnishing a second home too!    You voted on whether you liked Beach House #1 or #2 best.  House #2 won.



The beautiful living room from the popular movie Something’s Gotta Give.

My all-time favorite topic to write about is the Something’s Gotta Give beach house – and I’ve done it as much as humanly possible.  So many people had emailed me about that house that I decided to write a blog on how to achieve the same look in your own home in Beach House-Series #4, Hamptons House.   My dream is to one day write an entire book about that movie beach house!!


Nancy Lancaster’s Famous Butta Yellow Drawing Room

The answer to that aged-old decorating dilemma – To Clutter or Not to Clutter remains elusive to me and, apparently,  to lots of you too!!  It seems a number of people can’t decide if they want to live in a cozy, cluttered home or in a slick, clean and spare interior.  I’m still undecided – what about you?



The Infamous Miles Redd Slipcover

When Decorno wrote that she hated this skirted table in a Miles Redd interior, I felt a need to defend it in Skirted Tables.   After Decorno responded, the war of words was on and comments flew from my blog to hers and back again.   Never has such a silly topic gotten so heated!



And finally - Thank Yous to Bloggers, Readers, and Stalkers!, a recap of the year’s emails and gifts I received deserves a reading if you missed it the first go round.  If you have ever sent me a picture of your home, it probably was included here!

Here is my list of favorite new blogs in 2008.   There is one for each month – it was hard to limit it to just 12, all the new blogs are great!!!  In no particular order, in fact the last one is favorite:

Velvet and Linen – What can I say about Brooke Giannetti?  Beautiful, talented, sweet, warm.  Her blog is phenomenal, her talent even more so.  The first time I read hers I thought, “well, it’s been fun writing mine.”  Brooke lives a fairy tale life in two beautiful homes she and her architect husband created.  Read it and often – you will be amazed.

Visual Vamp – Another dynamo, Valorie Hart is an interior designer, florist, tango dancer, inn keeper – you name it, she’s done it.  Her blog is the stream of consciousness that flows from her intellectual brain.  I adore her!

Cheap Chic – A 17 year old writes about fashion.  OK, it’s not design, but she’s my daughter!!!!!  oy!

The Lettered Cottage – Layla is redoing her darling cottage and we get front row seats.  Catch her now – she’s probably going to be HGTV’s next Design Star!!!

Color Outside the Lines -  Artie, working and decorating and gardening in upstate New York.   He’s a doll – the sweetest there is.

Simply Seleta – Seleta lives in Florida’s wonderful northwest area.  Beautiful with 4 beautiful little ones living in a beautiful house.

Renee Finberg – is an interior designer from Florida.  A wealth of knowledge, her blog is exotic and heady.  Worth a daily visit!

Lime in the  Coconut – Florida again.  Linda writes about beaches, hotels in sunny spots, her house, and her tropical style.  Delightful!

Canyon Wren Cottage – Texas!  Austin!  A recap of real estate happenings in the Hill Country. 

Willow Decor – Swedish gray and white all the way.   Lots of yummy eye candy.

Harmony and Home – A Californian interior designer blogs about interior design.   Rebecca’s story on the Golden Mean is first rate.

French Essence – France, Provence, Vicki Archer, The Book, The Blog – Vicki leads the life we all dream for!!!!

Here is wishing all of you and yours a Happy and Very Healthy New Years!!!!    I am looking forward to sharing 2009 with all of you!!!

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It Was A Very Good Year



Hello, it’s Joni – the face behind Cote de Texas.  I thought I‘d introduce myself for once – all professionally photoshopped, with 54 year old wrinkles and jowls miraculously removed and my image stretched vertically to make me look less……horizontal!    Thank God for photoshop!   Signing off on 2008 brings thoughts of this past year – a year in which Cote de Texas played a huge part in my life.   So many wonderful things have come my way because of this little design blog – the friendships made in real life and through emails, the support you brought with each and every comment (except that occasional nasty Anonymous!) and then there was the wealth of knowledge that came from reading your own blogs about design in your lives.  It’s a small, but growing community – the design blogs – a sisterhood (and brotherhood) dedicated to our homes and our love for them and for those of our friends.

Cote de Texas has become a passion – something which I feel a great responsibility to.   I think about it a lot, questioning my ability to keep you entertained:  what I will find to write about next, will I ever think of anything decent to blog about again?  Just knowing you are out there, clicking onto an old post drives me mad – I wish I could have something interesting and new to post three times a day, but three times a week is more the reality, unfortunately.  

Sometimes what goes on behind the scenes is funnier than what is written.   This year – the award for absurdity goes to a homeowner who shall remain nameless.  When I received gorgeous real estate photographs of her house in an email, and was informed it was up for sale – I naively shared it with you, of course!   The homeowner quickly wrote me, aghast, and demanded to know if I had broken into her home and taken pictures of it!!!  Uh, no.   I’m not THAT crazy for a new story line!    What a headline that would make:

Desperate for a new topic, blogger Cote de Texas broke into a Houston mansion to steal pictures of it to show her readers.   Arrested, she remains in jail, unable to post bail – her funds all dried up due to her incessant purchasing of French antiques.”

OK.  I’ll admit to suffering from writer’s block now and then, but trust me people, your homes are safe from me!   But, finding new topics to write about became somewhat harder this year.  2008 was the year of the Design Blog explosion.  Every day brought a new and exciting design blog to read and with each new blog, the competition for fresh material became just a little bit more intense.  I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve started to write about something, only to discover three other bloggers had already covered the subject, and more adequately, too.  Still, somehow I managed to write a number of columns that you found interesting judging from the amount of comments and emails it garnered.   So, here, is a recap of 2008’s more popular Cote de  Texas stories.   I hope you enjoy revisiting these with me.  Follow the RED links to reread the story in its entirety, if you so desire.  And my favorite picks of the 2008 design blogs follows.



Katrina refuges seek shelter in the Houston Astrodome.

I learned a big lesson this year.  Politics and design blogging don’t mix!   Not everyone, by a long shot,  who reads this blog wanted to hear how great Obama was.  Trust me on this!    When I wrote about President Bush and Hurricane Katrina in Gustav – The Bad, boy were the comments heated!  Quite a few of you threatened to never read my blog again after that post!   But it worked both ways.  A Republican blogger friend suffered the same exact threats from Democrats.   I learned, I learned!



Kelly Wearstler, noted designer and author, is just one of the many famous interior designers fined in Florida.  

The one story that truly resonated with readers and created the most comments was ASID – An Agency Out of Control - a post written about Kelly Wearstler, among other notables, being fined in Florida for practicing without a license.   I was stunned to learn what is happening to interior designers in Florida and other states and it was a real eye opener to read how intrusive ASID has become.   Readers mostly agreed, though some pro-ASID people left comments too.  To date, there have been more than 200 comments left, debating the issue of the state licensing of interior designers.  The battle still rages on, but the anti-ASID side seems to be making the most strides.



Hunkering Down with Ike

Another popular storyline and a more poignant one was the series about Hurricane Ike.   I was deeply touched by all the well wishes and prayers you sent our way during Ike.   I can’t express how much your comments meant to my family, even though I didn’t have the electricity to read them and had to resort to using my car battery to charge up my laptop!  As I write this now, our fence is finally being replaced from Ike’s damage – but we were the lucky ones.   Galveston and Bolivar Island suffered greatly and still suffer today.



The beautiful oaks trees and houses of Galveston’s Historical  District.

Remember those beautiful trees from the Historical Districts in Galveston that you commented on?    All those gorgeous trees are now dead, killed by the salt water during Ike.   I can’t bear to think how terrible it must be for that neighborhood, many of those oak trees were planted right after the Great Storm.   In an interesting side note to the Galveston story, one reader was motivated by the pictures to purchase a second home in the historical district!  Lucky girl!



The Wheat’s beautiful kitchen.

So many of you enjoyed Stalking the Wheats in West University and at their Beach House – Bolivar Style.   I still get emails about their house and specifically their kitchen paint color:  Benjamin Moore Fieldstone, btw!  In all – those two stories generated lots of comments and private emails and Sally Wheat became a bit of a celebrity with Cote de Texas readers.  Luckily their Bolivar beach house survived Ike.



The Toile Peugeot!

New Car Blues (and white) was another one you commented on.   But more interesting was the fact that so many design bloggers love the vintage Jeep Wagoneer.  Let’s start a petition to bring it back!


Virtual Beach House #1 versus


Virtual Beach House #2

I never can anticipate what story you will like or reject, and sometimes your choice is surprising.  One such surprise was My Virtual Beach House.  Apparently, everyone has dreams of one day furnishing a second home too!    You voted on whether you liked Beach House #1 or #2 best.  House #2 won.



The beautiful living room from the popular movie Something’s Gotta Give.

My all-time favorite topic to write about is the Something’s Gotta Give beach house – and I’ve done it as much as humanly possible.  So many people had emailed me about that house that I decided to write a blog on how to achieve the same look in your own home in Beach House-Series #4, Hamptons House.   My dream is to one day write an entire book about that movie beach house!!


Nancy Lancaster’s Famous Butta Yellow Drawing Room

The answer to that aged-old decorating dilemma – To Clutter or Not to Clutter remains elusive to me and, apparently,  to lots of you too!!  It seems a number of people can’t decide if they want to live in a cozy, cluttered home or in a slick, clean and spare interior.  I’m still undecided – what about you?



The Infamous Miles Redd Slipcover

When Decorno wrote that she hated this skirted table in a Miles Redd interior, I felt a need to defend it in Skirted Tables.   After Decorno responded, the war of words was on and comments flew from my blog to hers and back again.   Never has such a silly topic gotten so heated!



And finally - Thank Yous to Bloggers, Readers, and Stalkers!, a recap of the year’s emails and gifts I received deserves a reading if you missed it the first go round.  If you have ever sent me a picture of your home, it probably was included here!

Here is my list of favorite new blogs in 2008.   There is one for each month – it was hard to limit it to just 12, all the new blogs are great!!!  In no particular order, in fact the last one is favorite:

Velvet and Linen – What can I say about Brooke Giannetti?  Beautiful, talented, sweet, warm.  Her blog is phenomenal, her talent even more so.  The first time I read hers I thought, “well, it’s been fun writing mine.”  Brooke lives a fairy tale life in two beautiful homes she and her architect husband created.  Read it and often – you will be amazed.

Visual Vamp – Another dynamo, Valorie Hart is an interior designer, florist, tango dancer, inn keeper – you name it, she’s done it.  Her blog is the stream of consciousness that flows from her intellectual brain.  I adore her!

Cheap Chic – A 17 year old writes about fashion.  OK, it’s not design, but she’s my daughter!!!!!  oy!

The Lettered Cottage – Layla is redoing her darling cottage and we get front row seats.  Catch her now – she’s probably going to be HGTV’s next Design Star!!!

Color Outside the Lines -  Artie, working and decorating and gardening in upstate New York.   He’s a doll – the sweetest there is.

Simply Seleta – Seleta lives in Florida’s wonderful northwest area.  Beautiful with 4 beautiful little ones living in a beautiful house.

Renee Finberg – is an interior designer from Florida.  A wealth of knowledge, her blog is exotic and heady.  Worth a daily visit!

Lime in the  Coconut – Florida again.  Linda writes about beaches, hotels in sunny spots, her house, and her tropical style.  Delightful!

Canyon Wren Cottage – Texas!  Austin!  A recap of real estate happenings in the Hill Country. 

Willow Decor – Swedish gray and white all the way.   Lots of yummy eye candy.

Harmony and Home – A Californian interior designer blogs about interior design.   Rebecca’s story on the Golden Mean is first rate.

French Essence – France, Provence, Vicki Archer, The Book, The Blog – Vicki leads the life we all dream for!!!!

Here is wishing all of you and yours a Happy and Very Healthy New Years!!!!    I am looking forward to sharing 2009 with all of you!!!

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If you are the copyright owner of any of these articles or image and don't want me to share them, please, write comments on pages and I will gladly remove them.